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Summer Events

Visiting Musician: Tricia Alexander

Summer Cookouts

S'mores Nights

Creation Care Club
Folk musician Tricia Alexander's "The Answer Is Love" summer concert is 2:00pm-4:00pm July 14. Tickets at the door are $10 for adults and children over 10. Under 10, free.
Summer is a perfect time to feast, work, and play! Join us for brats and burgers after Worship Service (veggie options available). Summer 2024 dates: July 21, August 18, September 15.
Bi-weekly s'mores on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 begin July 17 and end October 30.
Our garden projects this year include a Pollinator Patch, Community Herb Garden, and Invasive Removal. May 20 is our Grubby Saturday, when we'll tidy and plant our garden beds and hold an overnight Youth Lock-In.
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